Strings and Characters

This page provides syntax for different data types in Python as well as some of their associated functions. Each section includes an example to demonstrate the described syntax or function.


  • A string is a sequence of one or more characters (index values start at 0)

Some functions and index methods that can be performed on strings


get word length


extract nth character from word


extract substring nth-mth character from word


search for character in word


search for subword in word

"ab" in "abc"

remove white spaces from the end of a word

"abc ".strip()

remove last character from word


determine data structure type




letter = "b"
word = "good-bye"
subword = "good"

word_length = len(word)
word_first_char = word[0]
word_subword = word[5:8]

print(f"Length of word: {word_length}")
print(f"First letter: {word_first_char}")
print(f"Last three characters: {word_subword}")

print(f"{letter} is in {word}: {(word.index(letter))}")
print(f"{subword} is in {word}: {(subword in word)}")
print(f"remove the last character: {(word[:-1])}")


Length of word: 8
First character: g
Last three characters: bye
b is in good-bye: 5
good is in good-bye: True
chop off the last character: good-by


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